Focus on the Method, Not the Lifestyle

Focus on the Method, Not the Lifestyle

I’ve been sharing stories about sun, exotic places, affordable living, and travel for months now. Many of you have commented, saying things like, “You’re living the dream!” These kind words brighten my day and remind me how lucky I am to live this life.

But let’s be real for a moment. Who would actually want to live here with me? I don’t snore and I make great guacamole, but would you handle the nearly 100-degree heat, the bugs, snakes, cockroaches, scorpions, and mosquitoes? Could you go without makeup because your skin sweats too much and fit all your clothes for the year into one suitcase? Would you be okay with having only a small town 30 miles away for daily needs and a major city nine hours away for serious health care or decent shopping? Could you deal with the city’s crime or navigate public services without resorting to bribes?

I can, and I quickly forget these challenges when I wake up to a beautiful body of clear water, enjoy locally grown food that tastes amazing, and can afford to hire help for almost anything.

This is the closest I’ve come to my dream life. I’ve made some compromises, like being far from Europe and dealing with critters, but it’s better than being stuck in an office. Your dream might be different from mine. I see my friends and family three times a year, which is enough for me, while some of you can’t be more than an hour away from your parents. Some people don’t enjoy being in a foreign place, and that’s perfectly fine. Your dream is unique to you.

Are you working towards your dream? When I was in college, I knew I wanted to see the world before settling down. I saved aggressively and graduated with $25K, which allowed me to buy my first rental property and travel for a year. Then I wanted to work abroad, so I searched like crazy and landed a job in Guatemala within a week. One job led to another, taking me to three more countries before I returned to Guatemala.

It might seem like I just went wherever life took me, but that’s only partly true. I never took a job that didn’t pay enough for me to live comfortably, save, and travel. My last job in the UK was to buy a second rental property. I did that and then left to explore more.

For the past 10 years, I’ve been working towards my goal every few days. I saved money, looked for passive income sources like trading or freelance gigs to make extra money. Trading has a learning curve, but platforms are easier to use now, and most companies offer various options to suit your needs.

Now, I own a little house by the lake, never have to work in an office again, and generate enough passive income to do whatever I want for the rest of my life.

It’s not luck; it’s determination. You can achieve anything if you make it your top priority. Whether it’s working four days a week, being a stay-at-home parent, starting a new hobby, or going back to school, do something to reach your goal.

Make sure your goal is truly yours. Have children because you want them, not because your friends are having kids. Buy that expensive item you’ve dreamed of because it makes you happy, not because others have it. Simplify your lifestyle if it makes you feel free, and ignore those who say you need a big house.

Don’t try to reach my goal; it’s mine. I can tell you how I got here and how you can reach your own goals. Determination is all you need. Create your own luck. Knock on doors, make calls, ask for help, and find a mentor. Don’t take no for an answer.

No mountain is too big to climb if you start small. Put $20 towards debt, run for two minutes, eat one fruit a week. Soon, your actions will snowball, and you’ll be debt-free, run a marathon, or eat five portions of fruit daily. Just remember to do what you want. Think about your life plan, alone or with your partner. Detail each goal as much as possible. Picture yourself achieving them. Are you happy? Adjust until you are.

Everyone has something to sell you, from marketers to blogs. You’ll read amazing stories about people doing incredible things. Niall Doherty has a list of 100 such stories. He’s been traveling the world for two years without flying. That’s amazing for some, but not for everyone.

Remember your goals, follow the methods to achieve them, but make sure your goals are truly yours.