Long time no blog! I’m using this quarantine period to get back into journaling and blogging. I want to keep us both entertained with my updates. You might feel like you’ve missed a lot, and you’d be right! I’ll catch you up as we go along. In the meantime, stay safe and wash your hands.
Day 1 of quarantine started on March 20. Everyone in California has to stay home, except for getting food, seeking medical treatment, or doing essential jobs like working at grocery stores, banks, or gas stations.
The days leading up to this have been very stressful. I’m currently living in an RV on a military base in San Diego with my U.S. Marine husband (yes, you’ve missed a lot!). Yesterday, the RV park on our base announced it was closing due to the virus.
I imagined us living on the streets of San Diego, which is illegal, or splitting up so he could keep working while I moved to a nearby forest with our dogs. Trying to find a furnished apartment that allows two giant Great Danes during a lockdown didn’t seem feasible.
At the last minute, we found a spot in another military RV park on Coronado Island. It felt oddly appropriate to drink some Coronas while waiting out the Coronavirus here.
So, this journal began. A few initial thoughts: Thank goodness we have a place to stay. The campground is incredible, right on the beach, and there are only about 40 of us here.
They’ve told us they won’t close and evict us, but I’m still considering backup plans from B to Z. Option Z would be flying back to France, which would be awful, so let’s hope option A works out.
People here aren’t respecting social distancing. While walking the dogs, a neighbor approached to pet them and chat. Another did the same at our spot. I don’t think this will last two weeks.
On the plus side, our financial independence means one less thing to worry about, and I’m grateful for the library. I managed to stock up on books just in time.
Today, we had to move to yet another plot, but the campground is trying to settle everyone for the duration of the quarantine and won’t accept new people next week.
I did go out today to retrieve my car that was left behind during our move. The streets were mostly empty, but there were still groups of people, especially at my husband’s military base, not practicing social distancing.
I really hope people realize that the longer they ignore the order, the longer it will take to return to normal.
So, how about you? Where are you, and how is this surreal situation playing out for you?