A Week in Isolation on Coronado Island: Day 7 Chronicles

A Week in Isolation on Coronado Island: Day 7 Chronicles

Long time no blog! I’m using this quarantine time to reconnect with the habit of journaling and blogging, keeping both of us entertained. It might feel like you’ve missed a lot, maybe even a whole season, but I’ll try to catch up as we go. In the meantime, stay safe and remember to wash your hands.

Day 6 is here. It’s been a week and, honestly, so far so good. We’re still safe at our campground, although there’s some uncertainty about whether we’ll be able to stay through the whole crisis. For now, it seems like we’re fine.

My husband went back to work only to find out that his battalion was working at 20% capacity—apparently no one told him. Now, he and his assistant are on a two-day/three-day workweek rotation.

Coronado has closed some parks, but the beaches are still open for now. Being in such a beautiful, open space has been a blessing, and while I’m not sure how long it will last, I’m savoring every moment.

If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you might have noticed a period of silence. I love blogging, but life just took over. I don’t have excuses, but I do have some thoughts on why this happened.

First, a lot of people in my social circles started reading my blog. I’ve never been anonymous, but I’ve also never shared my blog on my personal social media. Why? Because I care more about who you are and what makes you tick than what you do for a living. So, I didn’t think you should have to hear about my blog either.

Before this blog, I used to write travel articles. Friends and family would ask for the URLs, write them down, and then apologize months later for not reading them. I didn’t mind, but I stopped sharing the URLs. So, with this blog, I chose not to put it out there. I wanted it to grow naturally, without feeling like my mom had to share it.

But some people googled me, some found out when my assistant accidentally shared a post on my personal page, and some just spotted my face on their feed when I started writing for bigger sites. It felt strange to have such an open journal available to everyone. It was odd talking to people I hadn’t seen in a while, only to find they were up-to-date with my life while I knew nothing about theirs.

I started this blog to share my journey to financial independence. Once I reached that goal and my life was mostly about enjoying simple pleasures like walking dogs, swimming, and watching sunsets, there wasn’t much to talk about. I was happy and content, and I just stopped blogging. Revenue stayed steady for a while, so that didn’t motivate me to return. When it finally dropped, it wasn’t enough to bother me.

Finally, I got lazy. It’s hard to get back into a good habit once you’ve fallen out of it, whether it’s blogging, working out, or eating well.

Now, it took a virus and an economic collapse to get me back in front of the computer, reflecting on life. I like it, and I hope to be more consistent with it. With my move to the US, marriage to an active-duty military serviceman, and life in expensive San Diego living in an RV, I think I have a story or two to tell. So stay tuned for more!