Cultivating Financial Success Alongside Physical Fitness

Cultivating Financial Success Alongside Physical Fitness

We all aim to look good and have some savings. No one dreams of being broke and out of shape, but life happens. We get busy, our goals take a back seat, and before we know it, we’re not where we want to be. Jobs drain our energy, bad spending habits form, and dissatisfaction creeps in. I don’t want that to happen to you.

That’s why I’m writing about the importance of building both wealth and muscle simultaneously. It’s easier than you might think, and anyone can do it. The aim isn’t to become a millionaire with zero body fat but to get a little better every day.

So, how can you build muscle and wealth at the same time?


Richard Branson, the billionaire, has credited working out with boosting his productivity. If he can find time to exercise, what’s your excuse? Consistency is crucial. Skipping workouts can lead to failures in other areas of life too. Whether you choose to join a gym or treat the world as your gym, the key is to stick to a workout plan. This will help you feel better and take control of your life.


If you’re like me—young and single—cooking every meal isn’t realistic. Start by cooking some meals. This saves money and gives you control over what you eat. The further your meal is from your kitchen, the less control you have over its ingredients. Cooking doesn’t just save money; it also provides mental clarity. When I’m exhausted, I shop for groceries, play some music, invite friends over, and cook a simple meal, usually chicken and broccoli. One day, I’ll learn to make something fancier.


Never blame others for your problems. Your health and finances are your responsibility. The moment you start feeling sorry for yourself or blaming others, you lose control. Reclaiming that control is tough, so don’t lose it in the first place. Remember, nobody cares about your health or your bank account as much as you do. Hold yourself accountable.


You won’t stop eating junk food overnight, and you probably never will completely. The same goes for your finances; there will always be moments of weakness. For example, I once bought a laptop in Budapest without much thought. We all make foolish spending decisions and eat junk food. The key is to improve gradually. Plan cheat days to enjoy yourself without guilt. I set aside extra money and spend it however I like, usually on beers, and these are also my cheat days for food. As long as you’re improving a little bit at a time, you’re on the right track.

That’s how you can build your wealth and muscles at the same time. I’m happy to answer any questions you might have on either topic. And don’t forget to check out my Life After College Course, where many students are already working towards paying off debt and building their income.